After church today we went to Antigua (where I took Spanish lessons), and we went to this really authentic restaurant for lunch, in a city called St. Phillipe or something like that. Took forever to get there, mostly because we repeatedly got turned around.
The million dollar question - what did we eat for lunch? Well, I'd love to tell you, but before I do, I'd like to state that I had no idea that I was eating COW STOMACH until after eating an entire piece! I still had a bit in my bowl, so - after a silent pep-talk, and a deep breathe - I finished off. Followed by pig skin, and pig liver (sorry mom). Made for an interesting meal any real Canadian would hope to never repeat, but the experience was worth it. Then I ate some fries - yes, like a real Canadian. ;)
After that we raced back to Antigua so Ben and I could meet up with my friends "from the elevator" while the rest of the group went to the market. Ben and I had an awesome time catching up with Luis and Fernando. Who would have thought one could make such good friends from a God-encounter in a faulty elevator!
After parting ways with Luis and Fernando - actually while trying to say good-bye - we practically got mobbed by the sweet faces you see in the photo. They look innocent, but let me tell you, these boys mean business - they said so themselves!
Anyway, they were just trying to sell us some flutes when I found myself asking if these boys were hungry. With no hesitation they confirmed that they were. Then I asked where a Pollo Compero was, and their big brown eyes lit up and they practically dragged us the short walk there (just a few doors down).
We told them to order whatever they wanted, found out that they loved futball (soccer) but didn't have a ball. I made a call to Josue who was with the group in the market, and he agreed to pick a soccer ball up for the boys. Then Ben bought 4 flutes, I bought 2 little drum like things. The boys soaked up the attention, let us pray with them, we paid the bill, and walked back to the Central Park to track down the ball. Over and over the boys kept asking us to buy them shoes, and I wanted to, but we simply didn't have any more time to spare. Two of the boys had huge holes in their shoes. I pray that God blesses them with shoes ASAP. These boys try to sell their dad's hand made flutes everyday. School in the morning, then work. Dan told us that when we said good-bye to the boys one in particular looked heartbroken.
Even though I hadn't planned on having dinner with these special young people, and we didn't get to go to the market like we planned, I wouldn't have traded it for the world. They'll hold a special place in my heart... even if they did try to get us to buy them everything in sight :)
I told them I love them before we parted. But I hope that they know that Jesus loves them far more. I pray that the seeds sown would produce a great harvest. That those boys would grow into men who Fear God and love Him above anything else.
On the way home I had to find a bathroom, and just hoped it wouldn't be by the side of the road... I asked Regina to stop at a gas station... Ben walked me inside, I asked to use the bathroom, and then we were escorted there by an armed guard to the side of the building where he took pad locks off these small bathrooms. I just hoped he wouldn't lock me in... insert nervous laugh here.
But all went fine... now I'm just chilling out at Casa with Dan and Ben, blogging and listening to them have some worship time.
What a day.