Thursday, September 8, 2011

To Paris and Back

I can't believe I haven't posted in 6 weeks! The worst part is we had honeymoon to Paris - a wedding gift! - and still no posts!
Well, we had a wonderful time on our honeymoon in Paris, France. We did some sightseeing, ate lots of good food, lots of walks, and took the metro (like the subway) everywhere we went. I came back feeling inspired to research a bit of France's history... so when life slows down - around November - I hope to get started on that.
Ben and I had to laugh when we realized how international our food choices were in France. One day we ate Italian, another day Vietnamese, yet another day Arabic, and even Mexican on another occasion. Don't worry, we did have some wonderful French food too. However, we searched hi and low for some French chocolate, to no avail. I was home a few days and found some in my mom's fridge. What a conspiracy that the French would make it, but deport all of it! I was outraged. We did buy chocolate, however, I think it was German chocolate.
Photo: Ben and I in the latin quarter (or as I liked to call it latino ville...)
We've been home now since August 22nd (ish) and we both hit the ground running. Me with leading the Guatemala team (trip in October), working with the Walk for Guatemala Orphans Destiny (fundraising for Casa!), etc., etc., and Ben going back to school at RMC. Enough said.
Well, I suppose I should end this blog, and use the rest of my lunch to have a bite to eat!
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Hurting Place

Often I go on f.o.x.n.e.w.s. website and search "Guat_emala". Sometimes there's information, sometimes there isn't.
But this week I spoke with Dan and Ashley - who had information that the news didn't - a girl on our street had been killed.
She had been involved in extortion, and had escaped prison.
She was found by the gov. and shot 8 times.
It's hard to comprehend. In a country where many of the po_lice are volunteer, people get away with things there all the time, including the guys who recently held up a Pastor we know. They followed him from a bank where he had taken money out.
But in the midst of this, Dan and Ashley simply see how God wants to use Casa de Alabbanza. A light in a dark place.
Thank you for your prayers for Guatemala.
Dan and Ashley have been able to connect with other ministries - one that helps feed hungry children, another that brings purified water to places that have none. It's excited to see how God brings together kingdom minded people to work together for one cause - for the Glory of His name.
As Pastor Francis said yesterday, we have similar needs right in our own communities. They might not be as obvious, they might not be as easy to find, but hurting people are all over the world.
The question is, are we looking? Are we praying for opportunities to be used by God? Whether by funding, supporting, praying for, or doing the labor... it's like the sower and the reaper. Both are important.
What is the sent without the sender?
What is the reaper without the sower?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Philippines Need Our Prayers

We received an email from Pastor Rene and Rosie in the Philippines this morning. They've been having flash floodings some as high as 10 feet. Prayer is needed for clean water, protection from diseases, and for those who have lost loved ones or homes. We are so blessed here in Canada, I don't know if we've ever had anything like that happen here. We've had floods, like the Red River, but nothing like Tropical Storm Ketsana.
About five or six days ago in the Philippines, Tropical Storm Ketsana hit... here's a good article with a video attached to an idea of what the storms and flooding is really like:
We have sent one team before to help Pastor Rene and Rosie and their community - in times like this I wish we had a team on a plane that could bring some relief.
But thankfully we serve a God who is omni-present, and while I am trying to spread the word here to get people praying, God is already there, moving on their behalf.
I love the words in 2 Chronicles 16:9 - For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him.
That's His promise to us who love and fear Him, who's hearts are blameless toward Him.
He's showing Himself strong all over the earth, when we see it, and when we don't. When they're reporters, and when there aren't any.
Thanks for praying.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wedding Brain

With just 44 days to wedding... according to my handy bridal registry... my brain seems to have official hit overload. As of yesterday.
The morning (yesterday) began with making pancakes. I often like to use the blender for this, unfortunately, when I was finished making the batter instead of untwisting the blender from the base, I untwisted the bottom of the glass holder thingy (I'm not going to wrack my brain at this time to figure out what it's really called...). You can imagine what happened. My pitcher thing became a tunnel from which my batter splattered all over the counter, in between the oven, and all over the place.
Then later I decided to make monster cookies... but didn't evaluate our ingredients level. So I was 1/2 cup short of peanut butter... and 3 cups short of rolled oats. So what's a girl to do? Well, when in doubt, use instant I guess! And that's what I did. They didn't quite turn out as they normally would have.
Then I'm doing somethings twice, and others not at all... having to make 2 or 3 trips places because my head isn't screwed on.
I went to get the mail, but I didn't know the box number. I don't think you need a play by play for that one.
But! Things are coming along nicely for the wedding... which is 44 days away, by the way.
I'm praying that by blogging these things I can release them, say goodbye, and regain that brain space.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Storm, Fictional Short Story

by Amy Hubert

Terrified she sat and heard more than saw the rain pour and pour and pour. It had gone on for hours. Her footprints that had once been in the Guatemalan volcanic sand had long since washed away. Washing away her way home. Her heart raced within her from where she crouched beneath a small tin roof – someone’s home, or at least what was left of it.
Tears threatened to come, but she would not let them.
“Tears never help anything,” Anjelah said to herself, in Spanish, her native tongue.
Signs of the intense tropical storm had started when she was just going for a walk down the beach… and thinking that it would pass soon, not knowing that this was the kind of storm to have its own name.
Until the winds picked up, and the water from the sea began to lash out.
Then Anjelah knew she was in trouble.
Thunder sounded, and the lightening never seemed to stop.
She had wondered why the eerie feeling when she’d arrived. Anjelah had been there thousands of times before, but never without another human being in sight. Usually there were tourists everywhere. And animals.
But instead of being worried, she had embraced the quiet moment.
She wasn’t lonely, rather loved the solitude.
She was independent, wild and free, needing no one, needing nothing. Needing nothing from no one.
She never would have thought possible, but the winds picked up and the water came in faster and faster.
She hung on for dear life. Almost wishing that death would arrive so the terror she felt would subside.
Words from her mother slowly came back to her. Muddled at first. Anjelah had long since rebelled against her family, and against God.
But suddenly words from Psalm 91 came rushing back to her. The Psalm her mother had read to her over and over again as a child.
The second verse came out of her mouth then, “I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge, and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I trust.
“Dear God, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I ran from my parents house, and ran from safety to danger, ran from light to darkness, save me from this place and I will never walk away again,” she cried, her own voice she could not even hear, for the storm was so great.
She kept praying and kept hanging on to anything she could find.
Suddenly the rain lessoned.
The wind ceased.
The clouds parted, and she began to hear birds singing in the distance.
One last crackle of thunder, and she awoke with a start.
It had all been a dream.
She looked around the room, still at the party house she had fallen asleep in.
Everyone else was still sleeping and wouldn’t notice her departure.
She began collecting her things, but someone lay on her shoes, and she couldn’t get to them.
Anjelah knew she couldn’t retrieve them without waking the man whom she new to be from a gang – the same gang that many of the other people around her were associated with.
A shiver of fear shot down her spine, and with that she ran out the door with her things, minus her shoes.
A week later she found out that, only an hour after she had left, police had raided that very house.
A few were killed in the raid… one had ran on foot and actually got a way. Some were in prison.
She held the newspaper in her hands, looking at the table, no longer reading. A single tear went down her cheek.
From where her mother stood at the sink, she turned and saw that very tear.
Her mother caught it with her finger, and took her fifteen-year-old daughter into her arms, “God protected you, my darling. Do not fret all that happened. He took you out before it happened.”
Anjelah remembered the dream again, and for what seemed like the thousandth time, she was back in that little hut.
Only this time she didn’t relive the storm.
She relived the part when the clouds parted.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Praying for Japan today and all the countries around the world that are experiencing extreme weather conditions. Canada is so blessed. Please keep Guatemala in your prayers today, as well, as they are on alert for a Tsunami as well. Thank you Jesus for keeping our missionaries, friends, and loved ones safe!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Casa de Alabbanza Update

Sarah Shaver and I are planning a trip to Casa de Alabbanza in June. It has been quite the journey, but Casa will be housing children very soon.
Guatemala today had an earthquake registering at 4.7 on the rector scale. No damage has been reported. I find it unbelievable, how many earthquakes have occurred around the world in the past few weeks. Chili, Japan, China, of course New Zealand, and now Guatemala. In just a few weeks.
Please pray with us that everything comes together for Casa in the coming months with staffing, the children coming, government approves, etc. And please also praying in the $70,000 that we need for the final installation for the building, due April 30th. Our God is able!
I haven't traveled since November, aside from short trips here in Canada, and I'm antsy! I'm ready to get out there and get my hands dirty again. Bring on the jet leg, bring on the roosters, fire crackers and dogs. Bring on the bad coffee and bugs.
Guatemala, here we come, in just a few months.
Glad I'm marrying a man who's got a passion for missions and adventure like I do!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Shawn McDonald - Closer (Lyric Video)

I useto be a fan of Shawn McDonald's, but now that this song has come out I'm a HUGE fan! I love the piano in the beginning, and the violin halfway through. Can't wait for his new album to come out - anyone know when that is? Let me know! In the meantime, enjoy the link!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ricardo - A Fictional Story by Amy Hubert

Fifteen Years Earlier
“Ricardo Luis Sanchez Gandara,” the superior said, with a folder in his hands, “he is your assignment.”
The angel took his new assignment in his hands, and began reading through the background of the young child.
His father, a drug user and dealer. Angry and violent. The angel cringed.
His mother, suffers from depression, drug user, abused as a child. The angel’s eyes closed in pain.
Page after page of lineage for little Ricardo continued similar to his father and mother’s. Grandparents. Great-grandparents. Uncles, Aunts, cousins. Great-uncles, great-aunts, second, third cousins.
He turned another page.
Great-great-grand-mother, Clara Rute Hernandez Gonzales.
Her profile read differently.
It began at age twenty-two, unlike all the rest, that began from birth.
The angel brightened.
Clara, a devote Christian woman, despite her husband’s alcoholism, served Yahweh until she breathed her last, at age eighty-four. Prayed for her children. Her children’s children. And her great-great-grand children.
The angel closed the folder and decided he would go find this Clara Rute Hernandez Gonzales. He would tell her to pray again for her great-great grandson Ricardo Luis Sanchez Gandara. He would find her, and he knew just where she would be.

The faithful angel stood to the boy’s left. He sighed and looked up, but still the Father would not let him depart the young boy.
The angel looked around the room at demons that coward in the corner. The demons that wanted his young charge’s soul.
Then he looked to the two that the boy had entertained.
The first was Lust.
Ricardo had a magazine on his lap, one that lust had suggested to him.
The angel felt his ribs as a reminder of that fight.
The second was pride.
His haughty eyes could be felt from the corner of the room, where he smirked and bragged to the other demons.
Fear, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Depression, and several others often tried to get in with him often.
For a time Fear had a hold on Ricardo, when he was just a child. Alcoholism got in when Ricardo turned thirteen, but only until Jaime started coming around.
Jaime started getting the kid to run errands with him, got him to help around his house. Jaime’s oldest son, Jorge, was killed by a drunk driver only a few years before Jaime and his wife moved onto Ricardo’s street. To Jaime, watching Ricardo waste his life on alcohol, being the same age as his Jorge, was more than ironic.
It was heart-wrenching.
Eventually Ricardo came out to the youth group at Jaime’s church. And eventually Sunday mornings, then Wednesday Bible studies.
Jaime saw the beginnings of pride in the boy’s eyes.
He prayed and prayed, asked the Lord what was going on in Ricardo’s life. Why Pride had a foot-hold. And what else did. He knew in his spirit it was not only the only one.
The boy put the magazine under his bed with the others, got up, and started walking toward the door.
The angel looked with concerned eyes as he saw Violence making his way closer and closer to his charge.
He had been noticing it for a few weeks now, and new it was only a matter of time. Pride. Lust. Violence was never far off.
But still the Angel knew he was not released.
Clara’s prayers, Jaime’s prayers, and many others that were now praying for the boy kept the Angel right where he was.
But as long as Ricardo entertained and accepted the bait from the evil one, the Angel knew there wasn’t much he could do.
As Ricardo walked out of the small tin house, the Angel looked over at the boy’s mother.
Behind her stood another Angel of light.
That Angel gave the other a nod of confirmation.
Ricardo’s mother had surrendered her life to Yahweh.
The Angel looked to his young charge who was completely unaware of the entourage that followed him everywhere he went.
Everywhere except Church, which was where Ricardo was going now.
A young boy from the youth group, a completely sold out for Yahweh, boy of age seventeen, named Jolio, followed by another Angel of light.
Jolio was carrying a guitar used to play worship music to Yahweh. That was the only music ever played on the instrument.
With an Angel on either side of the boys, the demons couldn’t get close to Ricardo.
They tried to get in near Jolio, but Jolio’s Angel took out his sword and the demons shuttered and scattered quickly to Ricardo’s side.
But as Jolio talked on about God’s goodness, slowly but surely Ricardo began to be convicted.
First for looking at the magazine.
Pride came then, “No one knows I look at those magazines,” Pride said in first person to Ricardo, “I can serve God and do what I want to, right? Yes, of course I can, who is perfect anyway?”
But on the way Jolio suggested they sing! He took out his guitar and began singing Our God by Chris Tomlin.
The Angels joined the boys singing the song, in Spanish of course, and when they got to the bridge the Angels not so much heard or saw, as felt when the demons RAN from them.
“And if our God is for us,” Jolio, Ricardo and the Angels sang, “Then who could ever stop us,” the song went on, “and if our God is with us,” Ricardo’s heart was softening, “then what could stand against!”
They sang it over and over. Then they sang the chorus again, Ricardo with a tear beginning in his right eye. Both Angels saw it.
“Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God You are higher than any--”
“Jolio, man, I gotta tell you something,” Ricardo said, humility and conviction in his eyes.
Ricardo’s Angel looked back to see in the distance a cowering Pride. The Angel took out his sword, and the demon went fleeing.
The Angel smiled. It felt good to have some authority back.
He watched the boys talking, Ricardo confessing his sins, and he could feel the presence of Yahweh so strong.
Ricardo recommitted his life to Yahweh then. He committed to be accountable to Jolio.
It was then that Yahweh revealed to the Angel His plan for Ricardo. His plan for Ricardo’s life. He was to be a man of influence. One day the boy would be a man of influence. A Pastor respected by Politicians and people in Government. He would offer wisdom and prayer to godly men and woman.
A man of Honor.
A man of God.
The Angel looked up and saw Great-great-grandmother Clara with the others.
The woman who’s history had started at age twenty-two.
The Angel took out again Ricardo’s file.
He looked to Yahweh, and received a nod.
The previous history was tossed as far as the east is from the west, to be remembered no more.
And now his own story would begin again.
From age 15.