Friday, March 11, 2011


Praying for Japan today and all the countries around the world that are experiencing extreme weather conditions. Canada is so blessed. Please keep Guatemala in your prayers today, as well, as they are on alert for a Tsunami as well. Thank you Jesus for keeping our missionaries, friends, and loved ones safe!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Casa de Alabbanza Update

Sarah Shaver and I are planning a trip to Casa de Alabbanza in June. It has been quite the journey, but Casa will be housing children very soon.
Guatemala today had an earthquake registering at 4.7 on the rector scale. No damage has been reported. I find it unbelievable, how many earthquakes have occurred around the world in the past few weeks. Chili, Japan, China, of course New Zealand, and now Guatemala. In just a few weeks.
Please pray with us that everything comes together for Casa in the coming months with staffing, the children coming, government approves, etc. And please also praying in the $70,000 that we need for the final installation for the building, due April 30th. Our God is able!
I haven't traveled since November, aside from short trips here in Canada, and I'm antsy! I'm ready to get out there and get my hands dirty again. Bring on the jet leg, bring on the roosters, fire crackers and dogs. Bring on the bad coffee and bugs.
Guatemala, here we come, in just a few months.
Glad I'm marrying a man who's got a passion for missions and adventure like I do!