Today I somehow misplaced my Spanish - English Dictionary. Which made for some fun moments. First the contractor trying to communicate with me that we couldn't use the water... and the only word I could understand was "agua". So after about 2 minutes I finally got it.
Then, our driver showed up and I pointed to the gas light on the car and said, "Necissito!" And he said something that sounded like "jugo" which means "juice". But now I'm not so sure that's what he said, if how hard he laughed is any indication. So we stopped at a gas station. And they did not have any "juice". We went to 2 more place, and still no "juice". So I asked "no tiene jugo para carro todas en Villa Nueva?" (They don't have any car juice in Villa Nueva?" (lol) he laughed so hard and said no. So I said, "y en la ciudad?" (and in the city?) and he said no, still laughing. He was laughing so hard he had to pull over. I wish I'd known the word for gas was gasolina. That should have been a no brainer.
By this point, Gerri was laughing so hard, I had to ask Byron to find us a bathroom. So this was cause for even more laughter. Oh! I forgot with the gas, we had prayed and a second later (the 4th gas station) finally had gas. So Byron said, "Orar de Dios" (Pray to God) and we found a bathroom. God cares even about the little things... although to Gerri it was a huge answer to prayer. :)
Haha, great story! That is halarious!!! Can you blog about your airplane story in Brazil sometime? Only you could get the pilot to walk off the boarded plane to find your friends with you, the plane did not leave without you, beyond clever, genius actually and down right funny!
Ha ha You are hilarious girly! Love the blog, love hearing what your doing and cannot wait to hear all about it face to face and cheek to cheek
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