Well readers, I have not been very regular as of late with my blogging. I'm home for a few weeks and have many stories to share, so I will do my best to bump it up.
We had a great time in Trinidad ministering to the children and young people there. I also had a great time catching up with old friends, and making lots of new ones.
Unfortunately my stint of returning from trips with foot ailments continues with a new spider bite on my big toe. The Bible says "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Gospel"... however, my feet are in great need of a pedicure although there's not much I can do for the spider bite until it just clears up!
Praise God, 14ish people gave or recommitted their lives to Christ this trip, and one at least was filled with the Holy Spirit! We had many other awesome things happen, and the Vacation Bible School was a success! When we asked kids their favorite part of the week most of them would say either the Bible stories or praising Jesus. Isn't that awesome?! The last day one little boy came up to us and asked us if we had all the memory verses written down from the week, because he wanted to remember them. I had tears come to my eyes, as did Sandra, as we realized the impact the week had on this young boy. It made me wonder how many future preachers, doctors, teachers, business people, missionaries, etc. we had in the room that week. I thank God that He allowed us that small glimpse of the fruit that came from VBS in that one little boy.
I have other stories similar to that one, of kids praying and thanking God for VBS, for their teachers, etc. Jesus challenges us to have faith like a child, and He always loved having children come around Him and He would teach them. I count it a huge blessing to be a small part of getting them ready for the destiny that He has for them.
Anyway, I'm back, and have a lot to accomplish in the next few weeks! Please keep my sister's friend Stephanie in prayer as she has been in the hospital all week. The doctors are running tests, and I am believing for total healing for her.
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