Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Post-Father's Day Celebration (But I forgot my card)

This evening we got together with my sister (one of 3), her husband and kids, and my parents. My parents had been away over Father's Day, so my sister and I were thinking it would be a post-Father's Day celebration. I forgot my Father's day card + toblerone at home. Brutal. However, I did make a lovely dessert... brownies, fudge sauce, with ice cream and berries. It was a pretty huge hit, I think. Ice cream, chocolate and berries. Yum. I love watching my kids with their cousins. They are just all so cute. My sister's kids are older than mine (almost 11 and 12), while mine are 1 & 3 but they all adore one another. We love family time, even though it means a late night for the kids. Think they'll sleep in tomorrow? I'll be lucky if it's 7. But I'll pray for 8. On that note, a bit of time relaxing with the hubby before turning in. Enjoy the recipes!

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