Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Hurting Place

Often I go on f.o.x.n.e.w.s. website and search "Guat_emala". Sometimes there's information, sometimes there isn't.
But this week I spoke with Dan and Ashley - who had information that the news didn't - a girl on our street had been killed.
She had been involved in extortion, and had escaped prison.
She was found by the gov. and shot 8 times.
It's hard to comprehend. In a country where many of the po_lice are volunteer, people get away with things there all the time, including the guys who recently held up a Pastor we know. They followed him from a bank where he had taken money out.
But in the midst of this, Dan and Ashley simply see how God wants to use Casa de Alabbanza. A light in a dark place.
Thank you for your prayers for Guatemala.
Dan and Ashley have been able to connect with other ministries - one that helps feed hungry children, another that brings purified water to places that have none. It's excited to see how God brings together kingdom minded people to work together for one cause - for the Glory of His name.
As Pastor Francis said yesterday, we have similar needs right in our own communities. They might not be as obvious, they might not be as easy to find, but hurting people are all over the world.
The question is, are we looking? Are we praying for opportunities to be used by God? Whether by funding, supporting, praying for, or doing the labor... it's like the sower and the reaper. Both are important.
What is the sent without the sender?
What is the reaper without the sower?