For years we've been talking about a "new normal". But how often do we actually stop and think about what that means?
For the past few months God has been really speaking to me about thinking outside the box, taking the limits off and being open to new ways of doing things.
It all started with a shopping trip for a pair of jeans. Sounds odd? Ya, I thought so too.
You see, I'm a really picky jean shopper. I want a good, comfortable pair of jeans that are semi dressy... and on a budget. And I had already been to about five stores. Patience was running thin.
So, I decided to ask God where I should go. I was desperate for a pair of jeans, I had just thrown a pair out a few days before, for good reasons. Sorry, I guess I'm making a long story even longer. Anyway, God told me to go to Smart Set. But I never buy jeans at Smart Set, they never fit, I've never had a good jean experience with Smart Set. But God said to me, "Think outside the box, Amy". I thought to myself, "huh, that's kind of strange". But I went to Smart Set, first pair I tried on I loved, and bought, and wear all the time.
Ever since that day things will happen, I'll make my mind up about something and then I will hear God say... "Think outside the box". Preconceived ideas can be a very limiting thing.
It's so exciting living outside the box, it makes every day full of new "normalcies".
All that to say that last night we had a band practice with some of the locals here, and a guy walked in with his friend and listened in. Then before he left, he asked the Pastor to go pray with a woman. I went too, and ended up being the one to pray... in front of a whole AA group. I had no idea I would be interrupting a meeting! But you know what's the craziest part? It felt normal. Why? Because God is calling us to live outside the box, to obey Him no matter what, and treat those situations like they are normal. When divine appointments happen, walk into it like it's a normal thing and expect miracles to happen.
After all, the atmosphere of expectancy is the breeding ground of miracles.
PS - half the AA meeting was amen-ing. Very cool.