How do I sum up today in one post? Hmm. Well, it started out with a very tired team having devotions on the beach (no complaints there), then coffee to go (followed by a balancing act while driving like mad to the church).
We had so many awesome divine appointments today on the streets. I know I don't just speak for myself, I believe the whole team (our team, and the local church too) was not only impacted but also used by God to sow seeds in the community. God was giving words to people for the hurting, we saw tears, excitement, hopelessness turned to hopefulness and 3 people said yes to Jesus.
As we walked back to the church, I really got thinking. At the risk of sounding cliche, we have what they need. Without it, they are without something that they NEED. Not want... NEED. And the truth is, that they want to talk to us, they just don't know yet. And if we can talk to them with all the love and compassion Jesus feels for them, then connecting with them shouldn't be a burden at all. I don't know about you, but when someone genuinely shows compassion or love for me I know it. And when it isn't genuine, then I know it. I felt like my perspective really took a shift today. Gone are the days of awkward evangelism if we can just realize that they want what we have - they are looking for the answer. So we get shot down once in a while... one day, they will know that the answer was presented to them. Our job is to simply obey, present the Gospel in a loving and courageous way. A key there, however, is living it when you walk away. I'm talking about a lifestyle, a lighthouse that never goes out. Not a light switch that can be turned on and off.
But that's a post for another day.
Thanks for reading, be inspired to be a philanthropist for Jesus wherever you go. There's no greater gift you can give someone than the truth and life of the Gospel. Remember, without it, they are without something that they need. Don't horde it, be real, be genuine, be a life-giver. Loose your own life, so you can find it.
ps - missing team member was taking the photo ;) Thanks Jenn!
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