"God is not moved by what we need, but by our faith". I heard Ellen Parsley say that one-liner today... it's good, don't you think? It's such a challenging statement. I mean, the Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please Him. He's moved by our confidence in what He said, what He promised He would do.
So in those times when things don't look or feel 100%, or in times when your vision is clouded by circumstance, or when reality vs. perception feels like it could overwhelm you... in those times remember, God is not moved by what you NEED but by your FAITH. I think that can really catch us from getting caught up in a pity-party, in a depression or whatever. Why do I say that? Because it causes us to look UP instead of inward. UP instead of to other people to meet our needs.
I think the most freeing thing in the world is being able to fully trust the Creator of the universe. There will always be times where our faith will be tested - the Bible states that clearly. But when we can get to a place where we can let go and trust no matter what, that's when God can really move.
It's so important to share "faith stories". If God does something awesome in your life (and it's not overly personal, of course) then share it with other Christians! Share it with the WORLD! Because that stirs up faith in others, and it becomes a never ending game of dominos. You never know how many people one encouraging word or kind act will end up impacting. People observe, people pay it forward, people talk about those meaningful moments. And before you know it, you've encouraged, uplifted, and recharged another believer. And usually we are blessed then too... because pouring out is one of the biggest blessings.
Encouragement for today - don't look to your own circumstance - look to God for His providence, and look to others for how YOU can be a blessing. And your socks will be knocked off by how blessed you'll be!
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