Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Blog About Nothing

So, listen readers. I have nothing, and yet I am itching to blog. How frustrating. And yet anything that comes to mind is so deeply personal and I just can't go baring my soul to the world. You can lol. But the thing is, that right now, I want so bad to be funny. But there just is no funny in me right now. You know that moment when you are like, "oh I so want to make everyone laugh right now" but you just can't think of anything clever or witty to say? Please picture me saying this with a latina accent. Just kidding. I'm so non-latina tonight. Wait, I'm not done, that might have sounded like closure but it wasn't. This is beginning to feel like a Seinfeld episode... the show about nothing. I love that. It's wonderful that someone thought to make up a show about nothing. And I reserve the right to blog about nothing every once in a while. If you are still reading... doubtful... then you are a die hard fan. And I love you for it.

the Philanthropist (it's very bad when you have to sound out your blog name... working it out.)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love it already!