Thursday, June 30, 2016

Finally, My Paragraph Problems Are Solved!

When I was working for different ministries in my early-mid twenties, I somehow managed to mostly dodge working with websites. I really didn't ever want to take the time to learn coding at all. When it came to word, excel, databases, I wanted to know as much as I could because I was a big of a geek, I loved learning what these programs could do, I wanted to learn how to make things look nice, I wanted to make things as excellent as I could.

I started blogging in 2008, and I kept it as simple really as I could. At work, there was always someone handling things like media, websites, adobe, etc. Now I've learned a few things in adobe that were so cool! I really enjoyed (however frustrating it was) learning about fillable forms and how to make those! So cool!

And now here I am blogging on 2 different blogs on a regular basis, and I think to myself, "why, oh why didn't I learn this stuff when I had the chance!"

Anyway, that being said, I was getting so frustrated with blogger because I couldn't create a new paragraph! So a few weeks went by until the bright idea occurred to me: "GOOGLE"!

So, for those of you on blogger having this same frustration, here's how to do it:

And as you can see I have many lovely paragraphs in this post. Sigh.

For all you website savvy coders, I hope you had a good laugh. :)

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